Eastern Fulmont Amateur Radio Club is a club that promotes amateur radio and emergency communications within the Fulton and Montgomery counties of New York State. The membership of this club however, is not restricted to these areas and has participation from multiple counties within the geographical area.
The organization is fairly young but has a very active membership. EFMARC holds monthly meetings (the 3rd Saturday of each month) as well as VE testing sessions directly following the club meetings. The club also participates in Field Day and is very active in ARES and RACES.
We are accepting new members.
Current Elected Officers:
- President – Dan Ziolkowski (KC2STA)
- Vice President – JP Plante (KC2NIK)
- Secretary – Joy Karns (KE2ATU)
- Treasurer – Paul Palmatier (W2POL)
Club Bylaws and Club Constitution: