Repeater Update from Rusty (KE2PW)

Oct. 4, 2024 was a day of success. We worked most of the day, starting just after 10:00 AM.
First, we were surprised. The Fort Johnson ladder truck is out of service. So, what showed up, the Hagaman ladder truck. All the firefighters were very helpful. Installing the antenna was the first challenge. It went well. Jami, N2ZTC went up to the top of the pole with the help of a couple firefighters. One of the many donations was ½ inch hardline to go with the antenna that Jami donated. Jami’s expertise really showed as he did most of the work. Much of the time we could only watch, and be impressed at the showing of his expertise.
He installed all the components of the repeater in the cabinet, and connected the backup batteries that he donated. He used a spectrum analyzer to adjust the duplexers. That went well. It is a set of four duplexers. Jami said he will replace them with a set of six duplexers later. He and Paul, W2POL, analyzed the new antenna system and the results were good.
The repeater is putting out a substantial amount of power. Please have some conversations on the repeater so we can get an idea of its coverage. (147.39+  71.9PL ) We can discuss it at the meeting on October 19th.
There is no tail programmed. You will only hear something like a tail when a weak signal causes the squelch to stay open briefly. A tail can be added later if the majority of the members vote on making the change.
We can’t thank Jami enough for all the equipment that he donated, and the time he spent on installing everything , and making it work well.
Many thanks to the club members who helped; Joy KE2ATU, Paul W2POL, Gerry KD2UTL. Many thanks also to the firefighters from the Fort Johnson fire department, and the Hagaman fire department.
It is likely that the Eastern Fulmont Club nets will now be held on this repeater.
73 de Rusty KE2PW